We are always happy to connect with you
For general inquiries, partnering opportunities, or to get in touch, please reach out using the contact information provided below.
Begonialaan 3a
6851 TE Huissen
The Netherlands
If you have any questions regarding the availability, status, or delivery time of your order, please contact our purchasing team using the contact information below.
For a quote request or product information, please contact us using the contact information provided below.
Please click here for Bio-Connect Services inquiries.
For customer service assistance, please contact us using the contact information provided below.
Are you looking for specific products, alternatives, documentation or need assistance with solving product related issues? Do not hesitate to contact our in-house technical support team.
Our technical support specialists have a broad knowledge of life sciences and diagnostics through their background and hands-on laboratory experience. Our team also collaborates with our extensive supplier network to ensure you receive the best possible support. To maintain their high level of service, our specialists keep their knowledge up to date with regular product training courses run by our suppliers to keep them on top of the latest innovations and trends.
Please use our datasheet request form to request SDS files, Certificates of Analysis (CoAs), and other documentation. For expedited access to the documents, we recommend checking the supplier’s website first.
Please use our antibody request form if you need help finding the right antibodies for your research.
We gladly support you by keeping you updated on our latest products and the developments around our services.