Essange Reagents

Precision-engineered reagents for blood grouping and specific plasma proteins for IVD and RUO applications

At Essange Reagents, our core focus is the development and distribution of precision-engineered reagents. We develop and produce reagents for blood grouping and specific plasma proteins. These reagents are for in vitro diagnostic (IVD) use or for research use only (RUO). Our products are meticulously formulated under ISO13485 to deliver reliable and reproducible results, supporting researchers and healthcare professionals in achieving their scientific goals with confidence.

Blood group reagents are crucial for determining blood types, ensuring safe transfusions, and preventing adverse reactions. Immune reagents, such as IgG subclass and FLC, aid in diagnosing immune-related conditions. These precision-engineered tools enhance diagnostic accuracy, guiding healthcare professionals to tailor treatments, and ultimately improving patient outcomes and safety.

Essange Reagents has established a strong foothold in both local and international markets. We cater to a diverse range of sectors, including academic research institutions, pharmaceutical companies, and clinical laboratories. Our adaptive approach allows us to navigate the niche market of diagnostics, ensuring that our reagents remain at the forefront of scientific advancements.

Our company stands out due to a combination of factors:

  • Innovation and R&D Focus: Essange Reagents places a significant emphasis on innovation and research and development. By staying at the forefront of technological advancements, we ensure that our product portfolio remains competitive and relevant in a rapidly evolving market.
  • Proven Track Record of Quality: Investors can take confidence in our established track record of delivering high-quality reagents. Our commitment to rigorous quality assurance protocols safeguards our reputation and positions Essange Reagents as a reliable and trusted partner in the industry.
  • Adaptability and Market Agility: The ability to adapt to changing market dynamics is a cornerstone of our success. Essange Reagents’ agility allows us to identify emerging trends and swiftly respond to the evolving needs of our customers, positioning us as a resilient player in the life sciences sector.
  • Global Growth Potential: With a solid foundation in both local and international markets, Essange Reagents offers investors the opportunity to be part of a company poised for global expansion. Our strategic approach and scalable business model lay the groundwork for sustained growth in key regions worldwide.

Major product lines

  • Blood group serology
    • Cellbind micro column agglutination cards
    • Antisera
    • Reagent red cells
    • Magister C24 fully automated system for Cellbind cards
  • Immune reagents
    • IgG subclass reagents
    • Monocyte activation test
    • ELISA products
    • Biologicals

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