Cell Guidance Systems

CellGS are developing protein delivery systems to enable a range of new therapies for diseases with unmet needs

Cell Guidance Systems is based in Cambridge (UK), at the heart of one of the world’s most exciting biotech regions. They develop therapeutic products as well as medical research tools and technologies that expand the possibilities of life science research and medicine.

Established in 2010, their growing success has been achieved by working closely with researchers to develop truly innovative products that address unmet medical and research needs. Many of their products are groundbreaking: For example, PODS® is overcoming stability issues of many proteins, offering new possibilities in research and hope for new therapies.

As well as providing reagents and research services, they are involved in several areas of therapeutic research based on PODS® technology. They are collaborating with researchers and companies in the UK, USA, Italy and Japan to develop therapeutics for a variety of diseases. More details and updates on their progress can be found in their technology and news pages.

They strive for the highest levels of service in all their interactions with customers and in their business dealings. The pursuit of quality drives everything they do, from the components they use, the manufacturing process and the final preparation and packaging of the product. They employ rigorous quality control to ensure products function effectively. They are here to help you in your quest to discover the unknown, understand the complex, and heal the diseases and medical conditions that affect us all.

Bio-Connect Life Sciences supplies all their products in the Benelux. If you have any questions, please contact the helpdesk.

Major product lines from Cell Guidance Systems

  • PODS® – allow the regulation of cell health and growth with precision by providing spatial and temporal control of growth factor in culture to mimic in vivo conditions in 2d and 3D applications
  • Exo-spin™ exosome purification – Exo-spin™ is a modular system that adapts to your changing research needs by providing purification of exosomes from a wide variety of sample inputs for a range of downstream applications.
  • Exosome characterisation – Cell Guidance Systems has developed a range of solutions based on exosome composition and characteristics. These include: exosome marker antibodies, ExoLISA™ detection assay, and they also offer an NTA size profiling service.
  • NTA size profiling service – The nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) service is part of a range of products and services offered by Cell Guidance Systems for exosomes research
  • Small molecules – a selected range of bioactive small molecules for stem cell research
  • Growth factors – with over 400 to choose from including many in an animal-free format
  • Cytogenetics services – including karyotype analysis and microarray platforms

NTA service

Size profiling service for exosomes: Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) is a technique used for the simultaneous measurement of the size and concentration of single nanoparticles with high precision and reproducibility.

Cell Guidance Systems uses ZetaView®, a second-generation instrument which performs rapid in vitro measurement of physical parameters, including size, surface charge, and concentration of particles.

Please contact us if you have any questions about this profiling service.


  • Nat Commun. 2018 Apr 3;9:1305. ETH Zürich, Switzerland.

    Ryosuke Kojima et al. Designer exosomes produced by implanted cells intracerebrally deliver therapeutic cargo for Parkinson’s disease treatment. PRODUCT: EX01 Exo-spin

  • J Extracell Vesicles. 2015 Jul 6;4:10.3402/jev.v4.27378. Semmelweis University, Hungary.

    Armando de Menezes-Neto et al. Size-exclusion chromatography as a stand-alone methodology identifies novel markers in mass spectrometry analyses of plasma-derived vesicles from healthy individuals. PRODUCT: EX02 Exo-spin

  • Front. Immunol. 14:1107150. University Hospital Frankfurt & Goethe-University, Germany.

    Birte Weber et al. Release of exosomes in polytraumatized patients: The injury pattern is reflected by the surface epitopes. PRODUCT: EX02 Exo-spin

  • Cancers (Basel). 2021 May 15;13(10):2397. University Hospital Tübingen, Germany.

    Kübra Kaban et al. Therapeutic Silencing of BCL-2 Using NK Cell-Derived Exosomes as a Novel Therapeutic Approach in Breast Cancer. PRODUCT: CD63 ExoLISA™

  • BMC Cancer. 2021 Mar 24;21:315. Erasmus MC, The Netherlands.

    Silvia R Vitale et al. Detection of tumor-derived extracellular vesicles in plasma from patients with solid cancer. PRODUCT: CD9 ExoLISA™


Is exosome purity important to you?

Video on how to use the exosome isolation column Exo-spin mini-HD

CellGS ZetaView exosome brownian motion

Exosomes purified using ExoSpin are viewed on a ZetaView instrument. Analysis of the random, brownian motion of the exosomes seen here can be used to calculate their size.

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