
Assist vet-practitioner in his first-line diagnosis approach

BVT-Virbac develops and markets the Speed™ diagnostic range, a wide range of rapid tests for companion and food producing animals, which can be used directly by veterinarians during a consultation or visit.

Based on flow immunochromatography and liquid microwell culture techniques, Speed™ diagnostics are simple and fast to perform, providing veterinarians with rapid and reliable responses to adjust their prescription and screen infectious and chronic diseases from the early stages.

The quality of the Speed™ range is regularly controlled by BVT-Virbac using an ISO 9001 process.

Main product lines

    • Rapid diagnostics tests for animal health

Main products

    • ELISA kit for the measurement of CPSE

    • Rapid combined detection of FeLV antigens and anti-FIV antibodies

    • Rapid detection of anti-feline coronavirus antibodies & anti-Leishmania infantum kinesin antibodies

Need BVT-Virbac rapid tests?

Bio-Connect supplies all their products in Belgium. If you have any questions, please contact the helpdesk.

More about BVT-Virbac

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