Bio-Connect offers one of the most comprehensive portfolios of antibodies worldwide.
Most extensive range of life science and diagnostic reagents in the Benelux
Are you looking for life science and diagnostic reagents? We offer one of the most extensive ranges in the Benelux. There are currently more than 5 million products in our webshop, which are manufactured by more than 130 suppliers. This includes both life science and diagnostic reagents from our individual divisions. We hope to support your research with everything you need.
We have divided our products into product groups such as antibodies, assays, chemicals and proteins. Furthermore, you will find cell culture, molecular biology and technique specific products. All product groups can be found above. Click on the groups to see which products and suppliers we have to offer for each product group.
If you can’t find your products in our webshop, please contact us and we will find the product you need.
We gladly support you by keeping you updated on our latest products and the developments around our services.