3 September 2024

Leukemia Awareness Month

Leukemia, a blood and bone marrow cancer, impacts millions of lives worldwide and remains a major health crisis. Despite medical advancements, managing this awful disease continues to be a challenge.

DNA Diagnostic honors World Leukemia Day the 4th of September and September as Leukemia Awareness Month. Leukemia is a disease which occurs in children as well as in adults, impacting people of all ages, ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Leukemia results from mutations in the DNA and occurs when there is a mutation in the cells that normally produce blood cells in the bone marrow. These mutations lead to the uncontrolled growth of immature blood cells, which are normally immature white blood cells.

Each year, an estimated 437,000 new cases of leukemia are diagnosed worldwide, with the disease accounting for over 300,000 deaths annually. Despite ongoing research and improvements in treatment, controlling and managing leukemia remains a difficult task for healthcare systems globally. These statistics highlight the global impact of leukemia and the urgent need for continued research and advancements in treatment.

Early diagnosis and treatment are critical in improving outcomes for leukemia patients. The earlier a treatment can be initiated, the better the chances for successful management of the disease. Rapid diagnosis and effective treatment are therefore crucial not only for the patients but also for their families. Patients diagnosed early are more likely to respond to targeted therapies and treatments, which significantly improves survival rates and quality of life.

DNA Diagnostic manufactures HemaVision-28Q, a screening tool that detects 28 different genomic translocations associated with leukemia. HemaVision® is a series of CE-marked in vitro diagnostic (IVD) tests for fast and sensitive detection of chromosomal translocations associated with leukemia. These tests are 4-hour RT-qPCR screening tests capable of analyzing up to 28 translocations and more than 145 clinically relevant translocation breakpoints in a single test, allowing for fast and accurate screening of leukemia.

By providing precise and early detection, HemaVision® qPCR test kits enable healthcare professionals to diagnose leukemia at its earliest stages, allowing for timely and targeted treatment strategies.

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